Wednesday, January 5, 2011

30 Day Challenge to Master Organization and Achieve Your Goals

Hello!! So I'm a huge fan of Chalene Johnson, the creator of Powder Blue, and Turbo Jam!! She's amazing and I love her. However, when I became a "fan" of hers on Facebook, I really wasn't thrilled about her CONSTANTLY posting about a freakin' "To Do" list, and how it can keep you productive, help you achieve your goals, yada yada yada, blah blah blah...... I don't know what my aversion to the "to do" list was....probably that it seemed more like a chore list for me than anything else. I know that I need to go to the gym, I know that I need to clean the bathroom, I know that I need to make dinner...I mean, really, unless there is a trip that I am planning/packing for, I'm not a huge fan of "to do" lists. I'm a fan of lists, but not "to do" lists. So when Chalene started talking about this 30-Day Challenge to Master Organization and Achieve Your Goals, initially, I was hesitant. Really!? A 30-Day Challenge about "t0-do" lists?? Are you kidding me? the tradition of the New Year, I thought....Why not?? It's 30 days. If it doesn't work out, then it doesn't work out. So I'm on Day 5, and I have YET to create a "to do" list. The first few days all I've thought about are my main priorities for my LIFE and the things that I want to do in the next 12 months. I've created a list of 10 things that I want to achieve in the next 12 months, and from those 12 goals, I've had to chose a "Push Goal". The way that Chalene describes it, it's not a goal that is necessarily my #1 priority (which I have set for myself) but helps me to achieve all of the other things on my goal list for the year, which are all goals that, really, support my #1 priority in life. It's actually a pretty cool process. And the strangest thing has happend. I can't WAIT to make a "to do" list now. Not for a trip or anything like that, but....for a day. I am understanding that the lists that Chalene is talking about are lists that aren't "chores" and things to keep me tied down, but they are things to achieve in my day that will help me to move my life goals forward. Wow. So yes, I need to keep my house clean, and I need to go to the gym, and I need to feed my dog, and I need to put gas in my car, and all of these things....but I also need to be focusing on how I will be achieving the goals I set for myself, and making a point to make those goals a priority every day of my life....and how will that happen if I'm not thinking about them daily? Likely, it'll be a lot harder to achieve that goal, because let's face it, life happens.

All of this to say, on Day 5, Chalene asks us to share our "Push Goal", and make it a PROMISE to others who can hold us accountable -- "us" being those participating in the challenge. So, here is my public declaration to the world!! My "Push Goal" promise......

Are you ready??

I promise to pay off my "unnecessary" debt.

Phew. I feel a little better just saying it. At the end of 12 months, I would like the only debt that I have left to be the mortgage, my car, and a small portion of my student loans. This will make the other goals that I have set for myself easier. It helps that Sean and I have a tax return coming that will be of good size since we bought a house and qualified for the "Obama Bucks" and we have the same plans for that money.

So, just for fun, I know that a financial goal (however ambitious) is kind of predictable and boring (for those reading, it's kind of scary for me!). So I will share some of my more fun goals with you too! Enjoy, and thanks for coming with me on this journey!

1. Travel to Europe with my husband
2. Get accepted into the MSW masters program at WWU
3. Tithe on a regular basis
4. Lead a Bible Study group
5. Get another Les Mills certification
6. Increase my production at work
7. "Finish" the backyard/house
8. Lower my cholestoral

And of course, the PUSH goal/promise. I've some other personal ones, but those are for me :)