Ok......so I've been a TOTAL slacker this week. It's not something I'm proud of, but I've recently gotten into.......The Hills.....dun dun dun......and it consumed my free time for about 5-6 days. However, seasons are done now, and I can resume normal life. That being said....I didn't get my time to read the Bible in the mornings the last few mornings......and all for The Hills. Don't feel like His Holiness is so impressed with that one :) LUCKILY.....I have a miriad of verses that I can fall back on. But I DON'T have a recipe for you :( But I made almond poppyseed muffins from a box!! Such a good wife. Alright....so lets get started.
Matthew 14:25-31
During the fourth watch of the night Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the deciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. "It's a ghost," they said, and cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately said to them: "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid." "Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water." "Come," He said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!" Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," He said, "why do you doubt?"
--I really like this passage, it speaks to me. And I think it is because it shows that I am not alone in my own journey of Faith. There are many times when I am not necessarily feeling like God is there, and that I can trust him to really take care of me.....when even in my heart of hearts, I KNOW that He is. But sometimes....... It's so easy to be walking along, seeing God, having conversations with God, and fully trusting in God....and all it takes is one little test of faith, and we so easily begin to doubt the full power and abilities of our Lord. I find this to be a HUGE challenge in my life, and it gives me a bit of comfort to know that not only is this something non-specific to JUST me, but to those who were at the right hand of the Lord as He walked on the earth. And it also lets me know that.....even when I am the slightest, or largest, bit untrusting....and Jesus is looking down on me saying...."Why do you have little faith?" He is simutaneously picking me up out of the storm with both hands, and pulling me to safety. I LOVE this about our God.
Sean and I went to church on Sunday, and it was a great service. The first that we've been to in about 5 weeks, I think. Low and behold, a pastor that neither of us are fond of listening too was speaking. But you can't walk out of church. And I'm glad we didn't. Pastor John spoke about Missions, and it was like he was speaking directly to me.....and Sean, so it would seem by our conversations later in the day. But the Pastor did mention a new mission coming alive in our church that would focus on being a mentor to high school kids at Chiawana High who are in danger of failing out of school. It's like God was looking down on me saying....you asked me where you could serve, and here I am, giving you a spot. This is what I want to do with my life.....school counseling positions, encouraging and helping people find ways to succeed....and under the blessing of a position that is given to me by God, I can hopefully find the strength and courage to be a spiritual mentor as well! I've had such a great example in Treva, and I only hope that someday, I can inspire someone in the same ways that she has inspired and led me. So here is hoping that I can start one cynical child at a time ;) I've got age and air of awesomeness on my side...me thinks! Sunday was just an amazing day, and I'm so thankful to have been there.
Keeping in the spirit of changes, though......I've found a position that has come open in the community....and for the first time since I've gained a "professional" job, I'm thinking of maybe applying to another agency. SCAREY!! It's a position that would start me out at $1,000/mo MORE than I make now...which is a chunck of change. And it would put me into an actual counseling position, rather than case management. I love my job, but at the two year mark, I think it's natural that I am looking toward the "next step". What stinks about this job is that it would start out with some shift work....and I'm not sure ENTIRELY what that entails at this time....other than that I would be working SOME nights and weekends, if not the majority. And that would be rough, especially as a newly wed. And I would have to leave my current agency....which has an incredible environment on it's side. Not to mention, the most supportive boss I have EVER had. And this doesn't come with just ANY job. So it's tough! Do I leave a position that I like working, and really like my co-workers and boss, in order to move up? I do know some of the people that I would be working with....and they are all people I wouldn't be opposed to working with.....but how do I know that I'd have the same support? Do I sacrifice this for the opportunity to give myself more range, and possibly expose myself to more opportunity?? With shift work comes more open days.....which I could devote to online school and earning my Masters. It's such a heart-twister....and I think that my best option is to actually....again, dun dun dun....talk to my boss about it. As a 30 year old woman who has risen through the ranks in a rapid way....and knows the career minded path....I think she would be able to give me valuable advice. But do I take the risk of letting her know I'm thinking this way?? Oooooh, it's so hard sometimes.
Well.....Sean and I are looking forward to the next few weeks....we have a few trips planned, including his family vacation AND a trip to Silverwood with one of my oldest and dearest HS friends....Jenna Renna!! Looking forward to it. That said....here are some really great wedding pics for all to see!! (Top of the page, cuz I haven't quite figured this out yet!)